Fishing Reel Maintenance: Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Fishing Reel Maintenance: Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

2024 Jun 17th

Fishing is a hobby enjoyed by many, but to keep your fishing gear in top shape, regular maintenance is essential. One of the most critical components of your fishing equipment is the fishing reel. Proper maintenance ensures that your reel performs optimally and lasts for years. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the essential steps of fishing reel maintenance, from disassembly and cleaning to lubrication and storage.

Fishing reels are intricate devices with numerous moving parts, each playing a vital role in the reel's overall performance. Regular maintenance not only prolongs the lifespan of your reel but also enhances its functionality, ensuring smooth operation on every fishing trip. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced angler, understanding how to maintain your fishing reel is crucial.

Fishing Reel Maintenance: Essential Steps

Disassembly of the Reel Components

Before you begin cleaning and lubricating your reel, you need to disassemble it. This step is crucial for accessing all the internal parts that require maintenance. Start by removing the spool, handle, and any other removable components. Keep track of each part and note their positions for easier reassembly later.

Cleaning the Reel and Removing Debris

Once disassembled, clean each part thoroughly. Use a soft cloth or a Q-tip to wipe away dirt and debris. For hard-to-reach areas, a cleaning brush can be very effective. It’s important to remove all traces of salt, sand, and grime as these can cause significant damage over time. Using a mild degreaser can help dissolve stubborn dirt, but make sure it's suitable for fishing reels to avoid any damage to the components.

Lubricating Moving Parts for Smooth Operation

Lubrication is key to maintaining a smooth operating reel. After cleaning, apply a few drops of reel oil to all moving parts. Knowing how to oil a fishing reel properly is essential. Pay particular attention to the bearings, gears, and other areas with friction. Proper lubrication reduces wear and tear, ensuring that your reel functions smoothly. Be careful not to over-lubricate, as excess oil can attract more dirt and debris

Reassemble the Reel Parts

Once everything is clean and lubricated, it's time to reassemble your reel. Refer to the notes you took during disassembly to ensure that each part goes back in its correct position. Take your time with this step; improper assembly can lead to malfunctions. After reassembling, test the reel to ensure it operates smoothly

Tools and Materials for Fishing Reel Maintenance

Having the right tools and materials makes reel maintenance much easier and more effective. Here's a list of essential items you'll need:

Proper Lubricants and Degreasers

High-quality reel oil and grease are essential for proper lubrication. Choose lubricants specifically designed for fishing reels to ensure they don't damage the components. Degreasers are also important for cleaning; they help remove old grease and grime from the parts.

Precision Screwdrivers and Cleaning Brushes

A set of precision screwdrivers is necessary for disassembling the reel without damaging screws and other small parts. Cleaning brushes of various sizes help reach tight spaces and remove debris effectively.

Soft Cloths and Q-tips for Detailing

Soft cloths are ideal for wiping down parts without scratching them, while Q-tips are perfect for cleaning small, intricate areas. These tools help ensure that every part of the reel is clean and ready for lubrication.

Storage Tips to Maintain Your Fishing Reel in Top Condition

Proper storage is just as important as regular maintenance. Here are some tips to help you store your fishing reel correctly:

Choosing the Right Storage Location

Store your fishing reel in a cool, dry place to prevent corrosion and damage. Avoid leaving it in direct sunlight or damp environments, as these conditions can deteriorate the reel’s components over time.

Properly Drying Your Reel After Each Use

After each fishing trip, make sure to dry your reel thoroughly. Moisture can cause rust and corrosion, significantly shortening the lifespan of your reel. Use a soft cloth to wipe down the reel and let it air dry completely before storing it.

Using Reel Covers for Added Protection

Invest in reel covers to protect your reels from dust and physical damage. Using these fishing reel covers add an additional layer of protection, especially during transport or when stored with other fishing gear

Fishing Reel Maintenance: Importance & Advantages

Regular maintenance of your fishing reel offers several benefits that contribute to a better fishing experience:

Prolonging the Lifespan of Your Fishing Reel

Routine maintenance helps identify and address potential issues before they become serious problems, thus extending the lifespan of your reel. By taking care of your reel, you ensure it remains functional and reliable for many years.

Ensuring Optimal Performance on the Water

A well-maintained reel performs better, providing smoother casts and retrieves. This can make a significant difference in your fishing experience, allowing you to focus on catching fish rather than dealing with equipment malfunctions.

Preventing Corrosion and Damage to Your Gear

Regular cleaning and lubrication prevent corrosion, rust, and other forms of damage caused by exposure to saltwater, dirt, and debris. This keeps your reel in good working condition and saves you from costly repairs or replacements. If the reel is damaged in any case then you can always replace any of the fishing reel parts. Do it by yourself if you know it well or connect to a skilled expert who can do it for you like our self at Mike’s Reel Repair.

Specific Maintenance Tips for Different Types of Reels

Spinning Reel Maintenance

Spinning reels are popular for their ease of use and versatility. Regular spinning reel maintenance involves cleaning the spool, rotor, and bail assembly. Ensure that the line roller is free of debris and lubricate it lightly to keep it spinning smoothly.

Fly Fishing Reel Maintenance

Fly fishing reels require special attention to the drag system. Regularly clean and lubricate the drag components to maintain smooth, consistent resistance. Be sure to rinse the reel with fresh water after each use, especially if used in saltwater.


Maintaining your fishing reel is an essential part of ensuring a successful and enjoyable fishing experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can keep your reel in top condition, prolong its lifespan, and ensure it performs optimally on every trip. Remember, investing a little time in regular maintenance can save you a lot of hassle and expense in the long run. Happy fishing!

Checkout : Custom Reels For Fishing.